MCA Testing
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.
District Aims:
Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.
District Aims:
Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Conferences are Coming. . . 12/6, 12/7, and 12/10
Last week before the Thanksgiving break, families of Sibley students were sent their conference date and time. Students were asked to detach and return confirmation of the date and time listed for them. If you did not receive this, please contact the school. If you did, please remember to return, or contact the school if you have questions about the time you have been given. This year, our report cards fall in line with conferences. Therefore, your child's progress and report card will be made available to you during these conferences in December. One of the goals of your conference is for you to have a sense of where your student's academic and social progress lies. We want to spend time with you developing a plan that will help in areas that are lower than we would want, and celebrate the areas of success. Personal goal setting is something that just about every student at Sibley does in some form or another with their teacher. We need you to be a part of this goal setting plan, so that you can also support your child at home. I hope to see everyone at conferences. Thank you.
Subscribe to Sibley Snippets
Since so many families utilize technology for information, I've encouraged people to subscribe to this blog as a way to stay up to date with things that occur at Sibley. From the feedback I have received, it is appreciated. If you have not, please enter your email and subscribe to this blog. That way, anytime something new is posted, you'll get a message and link within 24 hours to your computer at the email address you provided. If you use a smart phone, and I am told many do, you'll get a message with the new posts right to your device. Newsletters were my primary way of communicating to families a year or so ago. However, much of the time, the information was often "old news" when sent home. On the right hand side of this blog, you can enter your email and begin receiving school information. Once you have done that, take my blog survey to let me know and others know you are subscribing. Thank you.
"Stuff-A-Truck" success

Austin Bruins
On November 13th, Sibley students had a fun visit from players with the Austin Bruins hockey team. The players visited classes in grades 3-5, read to the students, and discussed topics such as healthy lifestyles and bullying. Students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and asked a lot of questions. We were glad they came to spend time with us.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Critters and Company
Blue and Gold Macaw |
Yesterday, students were treated to a presentation by Critters and Company. Critters and Company uses a unique medium of live animals and the art of story telling to share with the children ways they can build positive relationships. We hope your child enjoyed learning about the animals that visited today, their personal stories, and how your child has learned to be a better friend as a result. Parents should have received a copy of a letter from Critters as well that outlines the animals and message they were sharing with us. If you did not, please don't hesitate to call the school, or ask your child's teacher.
Dog |
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
21st Century Education
The following was shared with me recently by a colleague. As an educator, the expectations we have of ourselves, and what we need to learn so that we can be effective in the 21st Century is enormous. Complaint? Not at all. It is a reality. Successful individuals never stop learning and working through things they don't know. In a school, kids learn after a direct result of the learning adults do about topics kids don't get. In my school, we continue to improve how we use that information (data) about the kids we teach, to uncover things we don't know so that our kids can learn what they need to be successful. In that way, we don't look at teaching as something done once because we covered it in class. Remember, just because something is "taught" doesn't mean it has been "learned." What does this mean for parents? It means that schools still need your collaborative efforts to assure that learning continues beyond the school. You can start by ensuring that you are providing and supporting 20 minutes of reading daily. Life is busy, ever changing, and presents challenges. Be sure that what you prioritize, matters.
Reading = Success
Visually, the picture says a lot. If this was first made available, or similar calculations in 1987, what ramifications for the importance of reading might exist today? Our world now is much different than what it was not 10 years ago with the impact technology has had on everyone. Are we reading more now, or less?I'm not talking just about reading a book in the form most prevalent in 1987. Regardless of the year, or your chosen method of "reading," you can't argue with the power that vocabulary provides one to be successful in life. With a limited vocabulary and therefore limited in experience, you will not be able to make connections nor fully understand and appreciate the world and those ideas around you.
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