
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.

District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.


The following are a few links to provide you some interesting information on where students are at with regards to technology today.  It is also a reason why we are looking to make some substantial changes to our use of technology within the classroom and district.  There is a big difference between using technology and integrating it within the classroom.  It is obvious that this is where our students are at and where our society is headed. Change or be changed, right?

Teaching with Technology? Check out this wiki for some great ideas and more resources.

Footprints in a Digital Age - an article from Educational Leadership which is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner.

Did You Know? This is a great video to give you a bit further insight into where things are and are going.  Powerful. Motivating. Relevant.

Using iPods to teach and assess reading fluency? Yes.