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District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Social and Academic Success are equally important

Schools have always been places that represent the larger community and country in which they are found.  A goal of any quality school should be providing a student with experiences that will allow them to be successful as adults.  Depending upon who you ask, the word "success" carries with it a variety of interpretations, but most of them will support the notion that it involves a level of continued improvement. Learning and success go hand in hand as new knowledge gained and applied, usually is associated with a level of success or accomplishment.  In other words, without building onto the knowledge or skills one already has, they will not be able to "get where they want to go," in life.

In school, we learn about math, science, social studies, and a myriad of other topics within academic content areas.  Each of the experiences that are provided in these areas, gives us the opportunity to try our hand at each and to meld ideas from many.  These experiences improve who we are and make life satisfying, interesting, and successful.  All of them help in stimulating us towards great things and ways that we can contribute positively to our community and world.

Schools are also places where social and emotional learning is as important as academic learning.   Both, impact how well we are able to contribute to the larger community.  Without the support from both school and home,"success" will be hard to come by.  We need to teach students about logical consequences for choices made.  These consequences could be anything but enjoyable, but they are necessary.  When students do not get along, or make poor chances, schools and parents need to support the child through this learning process.  This sometimes involves admitting that a mistake was made and then developing a plan moving forward.

Through this process, it also helps students learn about empathy.  Without empathy, one only thinks of themselves and not the impact that choices and situations have on other people.  Even when an individual is wronged, if they have been taught about the importance of empathy, they will have arrived at a new level of social success.  To do so, requires collaboration and a commitment between school and home.  If a mistake is made, own it.  Then, make a committed effort to changing one's behavior and the perception that may exist.

Remember, the most successful folks in life, are not just those that have achieved a level of academic success, but also those that know how to work well with others.

Empathy = Success.

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