After a week long of practice, Sibley 3-6th graders gave two wonderfully entertaining performances of
The Wizard of Oz on Friday and Saturday night. Southwest Little Theater was packed for both, and it was a thrill to see the students have such a great opportunity to become engaged in theater and all that it is has to offer them. It certainly isn't easy to put yourself on stage and in "character", so congratulations to all 75+ students that expressed such enthusiasm. Another noticeable benefit of this experience is that it enables students to get to know others on a different level. Like any activity, participation brings everyone TOGETHER for a common goal. It was neat to see older students help in getting their younger team members in place, remembering their parts, and supporting others they wouldn't normally hang out with. It is a bonding time for our kids and it can be certainly seen even after the show is over. Students, regardless of age/grade, are more apt to visit with each other, say "hi" in the hallway, or even mingle more together before and after school. Their "experience" pulls them together. It is pretty cool. We can't wait until next year!
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