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District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Teacher Staff Development

Any organization, needs to have a plan for continuous and purposeful staff development.  I think sometimes, there is a feeling that staff development is only something provided to new staff.  At Sibley, and in our district, we are committed to ongoing learning; students and staff.  In fact, the only way that we become better and better at something is to continue to ask questions and learn from the information we are provided.  If we don't ask questions and are content doing things as we have, we miss out on improving and possibility.  This year, our district has adopted and is currently implementing a new reading curriculum known as Benchmark Literacy.  During our Reading and Language Arts instructional blocks, students are engaged in reading, writing, and phonics/word work instruction.  On November 8th, teachers spent half of that day learning more about its successful use and implementation.  On Tuesday of this past week, teachers in our building spent 2 hours specifically on the guided reading component of quality reading instruction.  Teachers, like doctors, need to be constantly learning and improving.  I don't know about you, but I am not going to see a Dr. that tells me that a practice used 30 years ago is still the best for me, and that s/he has done nothing since to learn more. Yikes! I would be looking for a second opinion.  Our work in reading over the years indicates that we are being successful, but we are not yet satisfied.  We are constantly looking at ways to improve what we do.  When we do, students benefit that much more from their time with us.  Proficiency on grade level standards is important, but individual student growth is paramount, and continual improvement through staff development helps us know how we can get that growth for all children. 

Veteran's Day Program

On November 11th, Sibley students got together to recognize and learn about the significant impact that a veteran has on each of us.  This year's program was particularly special as students were asked to bring in photos of relatives that are serving, or have served, in our military. We had well over 35 separate photos and names shared with our entire student body in power point as part of our time together.  It was really neat to see some of them in the audience too.  Thank you Veteran's and Dr. Funk for helping us honor their service on this great day.  (Superintendent Funk, is a member of the Minnesota has served in the Minnesota National Guard for over 20 years, and currently holds the rank of Colonel.  He has deployed twice overseas: in 2003-04 to Bosnia and in 2007-08 to Kosovo.)

Critters and Company

On November 6th, Sibley students were again treated to a visit by Critters and Company.  Through stories about each of the animals present, students learned the importance of diversity, and how appreciating others for who they are is important in their school, community, and life.  Each year Critters and Company comes to Sibley to "teach" us about how to be better individuals and they use animals to help with those lessons.  Are they the same every year? No.  Each year, different animals are used and therefore, the focus changes slightly.  As has been the case each year, students love the animals and the messages allow for good discussion and connections for them.  Thank you PTO for bringing Critters to us each fall.