Every year, our district goes looking for input from people to make their vote for who they believe should be our District 241,
Teacher of the Year. We have a local committee that works hard organizing and promoting this great program. Committee members include teachers and community members and anyone can nominate. Peggy Bennett has been teaching 1st grade for a very long time and teaching is no doubt her passion. She has been nominated numerous times prior to winning this year, and has positively impacted countless of students and families in her years teaching at Sibley. Peggy is always looking for way to motivate and encourage students to be there best and enthused about reading. On several occassions, she has even co-authored student stories with reading groups allowing them to create, write, and read their stories to a wider audience. She is alwasy looking for ways to integrate techology in her classroom and has been a district leader and state-wide presenter in the use of Smartboards. Peggy is a passionate educator and goes beyond expectations to meet the needs of her students. With that said, Peggy is also representative of all the great teachers and staff that work in our district, and humbly accepted the honor on their behalf as well. In her acceptance, she turned the light on everyone else in the room knowing that she could never do what she does without the great support from her teaching colleagues, custodial staff, food service personnel, suppot staff, and adminisration. Thank you Peggy and Congratulations!!
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