Welcome to what has been a great start to the 2010-2011 school year. It is amazing to think that we are fast approaching the end of September and a lot has happened since last spring. The largest change for our building was the addition of a 3rd section of 5th grade due to a larger number of students projected to start the year than only weeks before. Some of the stimulus dollars that our district received were used to fund this additional section. Regardless of those available dollars, it would have been done, as it was the right thing for kids.
When you visit this year, you'll notice that every available room and space is being used for teaching, or as office space for additional programs to benefit our students. This year, our art program is utilizing the cafeteria as a classroom for the majority of the day, with the exception of one block of time when the cafeteria is used for lunch. At those times, our art teacher will come to the classroom. It is also why certain elements of our potential district realignment study could benefit our space issues in the years to come.
Due to our involvement in an integration collaborative with Austin schools, we are thrilled to have a success coach in every building this year. Our success coach will provide additional support to students and families in our building to ensure that students are successful academically; it is our responsibility. Our coach speaks Spanish and English. Having a bi-lingual coach will further enhance our desire and commitment to communicate effectively with all members of our school and community.
We are also thrilled to have two individuals at Sibley through Minnesota Reading Corps. One of those members provides direct researched based strategies in reading to students in grades K-3 that would not otherwise qualify for any other district services. The other staff member is a volunteer coordinator. Their sole responsibility is to build a volunteer base from within our community to promote and support reading development and success to all of our students. This is an outreach program that also educates volunteers as to the real importance of assisting in the academic progress of their communities young children. You will hear more about both of these positions as the year progresses.
Have a great year and do subscribe to this blog by adding it to your chosen "reader" or bookmark it as one of your website "favorites." I plan on adding often to keep you abreast of all things that impact our family here at Sibley.
MCA Testing
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.
District Aims:
Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.
District Aims:
Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.
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