
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.

District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Homecoming Week at Sibley

This week, we will be busy and having a blast as we participate in Homecoming 2014.  Throughout the week, students at Sibley will have opportunities to show their school spirit by participating in several dress up days, host some high school royalty during our lunch mid-week, learn about sportsmanship, and have a mini-pep fest on Friday.  In the past, the Tiger himself has shown up to cause some mischief by kidnapping me.  I wonder what, if anything, will be in store this year?  In addition to homecoming, our students will also be participating in their walk this year on Homecoming Friday.  Sibley's Stroll-For-A-Goal is going into its 3rd year and we hope to break the 20,000 dollar mark.  This has been a well run, and well worth it fundraiser as 100% of the proceeds go directly back to Sibley students; there isn't a better way to raise money for a good cause by being active.  Our PTO has currently allocated funds from last year to improve our playground, and they hope to add to it with money this year.  Go Tigers!

Monday, September 15, 2014


Last week, I discussed with students the importance of developing reading stamina.  All teachers spend the first 30 days of school developing this as part of their instructional routines to ensure long term success throughout the year.  Developing reading stamina allows students to read for increasingly extended periods of time, trains muscle memory and develops their ability to focus.   Teachers will continually work to ensure that students are engaged in "good fit books" at a student's instructional level within their browsing boxes.  These books are often books that your child has read with the teacher during guided reading.  Feel free to inquire about your child's stamina and reading level with your child's teacher.  What is important to realize is that although there are general grade level indicators of an "at level" reader, growth in reading is what we are all striving for.  Through the application of  reading strategies taught by your child's teacher, increasing one's stamina, and reading text at an appropriate level, your child will experience reading gains and grow as a reader.  If reading seems confusing, or hard to support at home, it isn't and we can help, so give us a call.    

Off and Running......

With the start of our 3rd week of school, it has been awhile since my last post.  The "beginnings" of anything, are certainly not going to be without a few items that need minor adjustments and course corrections.  For some, this is inherently frustrating, but knowing they are bound to happen can minimize those frustrations.  It is for that reason, the first week of school I shared a letter of logistical items for parents concerning lunch, health and wellness, and bus pick up and drop off.  If we all follow these items, it will make smooth sailing for everyone and alleviate stress.  One item to highlight again is the request we are making that nuts and nut products not enter Sibley so that all students can experience a safe learning environment.  If we do not follow those procedures outlined by our district nurse, we may jeopardize those of us that have severe reactions to nuts.  This isn't something we would want for anyone.  If you have questions about any of the items listed in my letter above, please let me know.