
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.

District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gifted and Talent Development 2012-2013

Our district’s Gifted and Talent Development program is committed to providing rigorous instructional programs that encourage all students to realize their full potential as learners. A continuum of programs and services are provided.

One component of the program involves the gifted and talented interventionist working with a small group of identified students at each elementary school, grades 3, 4 and 5. During this weekly session, instruction is differentiated to support advanced-level and extended learning. Some of the units this year include integrated studies based on survival, ancient civilizations, interdependence, and math functions and systems. The focus of the curriculum is to foster the development of critical, abstract and creative thinking and problem-solving.

Each elementary school had two teams competing in the Math Masters of Minnesota challenge. Math Masters is designed to promote excellence in critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities as well as to provide recognition for students for academic effort and achievement. Our district was well represented, with several students receiving placement awards in both the problem-solving and the order of operations component. Sibley: Kolby Johnson, Cole Indrelie, Madalyn Peterson, Karter Kenis, Marty Syverson, Emma Renchin, Aleighya Zak, Samanatha Skarstad, Syndney Collins, Carson Stadheim, Alma Navarrete, Rylee Bjorklund, Coached by Christine Schaefer

This year approximately 75 students were involved in Chess Clubs district-wide. The opportunity to learn and play chess as well as develop strategies was an exciting focus for these after-school meetings. Clubs at each of the four elementary buildings, Southwest Middle School, and Albert Lea High School were coached by staff and volunteers. Elementary students had the opportunity to compete in a tournament held at the Albert Lea Family Y on Apr. 27. The response of students to the Chess Clubs was overwhelming, as indicated by the large number of students pursuing their interest in chess.

Other opportunities include the district spelling bee, with two fifth-grade students form each elementary school participating, and the district Science Fair which is open to all students in grades 3-6.

The Gifted and Talent Development program continues to evolve, with plans to continue the current offerings while adding additional opportunities over the next years. At the forefront of all programming is our district’s focus on student learning and providing resources with a strong research-base that will best meet the needs of our students.

2013 Summer Learning Opportunities

Who: Students that need to build skills in reading, math, and writing, as well as organization and social skills.  Qualification is based upon a child's performance that is determined below grade level in reading, math, and writing.  Grades K-4.

What:  A state funded program giving students the opportunity for continued learning for 4 weeks during the summer with a licensed MN teacher.  There is no cost to attend.  Free breakfast and lunch is provided along with some limited busing.

When:  July 15-August 8, M-Th 8-12pm.

Where: Hawthorne Elementary (All elementary school students will attend one location: Hawthorne)

Program Goals -
1.  Provide academic support and build basic skills in reading, math, and writing
2.  Support methods and instructional strategies that are effective in strengthening the core curriculum
3.  Increase critical reading skills, strategies, and comprehension
4.  Encourage reading enjoyment
5.  Promote self-concept and increased motivation

If you have questions about qualification, please contact your child's teacher if you are unsure.  In all buildings, teachers will make recommendations and we hope that you are able to take advantage of their recommendations.

Thank you.

Attention 5th graders - FREE Sports Physicals

This Thursday, May 23rd, the Mayo Clinic Health Systems Albert Lea will be conducting FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS for students. While the Middle School Athletics (Football, Volleyball, and Golf) will not require a physical next year for 6th grader participation, there may be some activities students participate in outside of the school that may require one. The clinic starts at 4:30 PM and there are blue registration folders are available at Sibley, SWMS, and ALHS for this FREE clinic. Consider taking advantage of this ONCE-A-YEAR opportunity depending upon your sport interests and needs.
This information is primarily for grade 5 students in our district as they move onto our middle school. 

Thank you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Check out books from your child's school - YES!

Your student may be able to checkout library materials from our school media center the last week of school and keep the books for the summer!!  We are encouraging students to continue reading over the summer.  On Tuesday, June 4 through Wednesday, June 5, students will be able to check-out up to 20 items from the Media Center. The hours will be 7:30-11:30 and 12:15-3:45. Students must come with an adult guardian/parent during the hours described.  You will be asked to sign an agreement to check out material.  As a parent, please don't let your child's lack of reading or access to books they like be a reason they don't read this summer.  This is our way of continuing to partner and work with you even into the summer.  Please take advantage of this opportunity.

Do Something about Summer Learning Loss!

You can control summer learning loss!  More than 100 years of research continues to show that students lose ground academically when they are out of school for the summer.  Lost time in the summer slows students’ progress towards the goal of 3rd grade reading proficiency.  By the end of fifth grade, disadvantaged children are nearly three grade equivalents behind their more affluent peers in reading.
What can YOU do to turn typical summer learning loss into summer learning GAINS?
 Make time for your child to read at least 20 minutes a day.
 Make sure the books your child reads are of interest to them and at the right reading level. (Remind your student to follow their teacher’s directions on how to pick out “good fit” or “just right” books.)
 Help your child have access to lots and lots of books by visiting the public library on a regular basis or taking advantage of your child’s elementary school summer book lending program.

HVAC upgrade coming to Sibley

Dear Sibley Families,
This summer, Sibley will be undergoing a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) upgrade. Because of this project, Sibley students will be having their last day of school on June 5th. Hopefully, this will help you plan accordingly for your student and family. Getting out a day early is the same schedule followed last year at Hawthorne, as they were one of the first schools to receive this system upgrade. At this time, Sibley is the only school scheduled for this work this summer.
What will all this mean? Having a new system will further increase the indoor air quality in the building as handlers will move more outside air throughout. Most ceilings will be lowered slightly to adapt new ductwork for us. Newer controls will allow the building to have a more evenly regulated temperature than is currently the case. We will also be having a dehumidification system installed. A dehumidification system will allow us to be more comfortable on days when heat and high humidity are factors.
We are excited to have this work done and for what it will mean next school year. If you have questions about any of this information, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Although office staff will be relocated to Hawthorne during this work, you can still reach us at 379-5080.

Ross Williams