
In an effort to provide more direct and ongoing communication with Sibley's school families and the larger community, I have created this page. It's content will be developed to provide small bits of information whenever there is a need. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog so that you will know whenever new content is available.

District Aims:

Safe, healthy, welcoming schools;
Increase student opportunity and achievement;
Operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sibley hosts Royalty for lunch


As part of Homecoming week, Megan and Forrest (Members of the 2012 High School Homecoming Court) joined Silbley students for lunch today.  Just like us, they had a dress up day too.  If you can't tell from looking at the pictures, today was "Disney Day." 

Go Tigers!!!

JAM - "Just a Minute"

Today, all of the Sibley students participated in the Jam World Record. JAM World Record is a fun campaign to rally everyone to pause and take just a minute for a fitness break. This campaign is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of making activity a daily habit, ensuring that our kids learn healthy habits at a young age and our schools have access to quality physical education programs. JAM stands for “just a minute”

Physical Activity Helps:
Build strong bones and muscles
Improve mental clarity, productivity & mood
Prevent cancers and diseases

All of the Sibley students performed an exercise routine at 8:30AM in their classroom. In fact, students in all fifty states performed the same routine this morning.  How cool is that.

Check out the JAM website to see how the state of MN did in participation today against other states. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stroll-For-A-Goal Fundraiser - 15,000

As your principal, I wanted to provide some words of encouragement for Sibley’s first annual “Stroll-For-A-Goal.” As parents and community members, fundraising for additional activities and school projects will continue to be something we work in partnership to provide. However, we also recognize that selling food items is not something people enjoy doing, or enjoy being asked to buy frequently.   This year, we have decided to try something different.  During the day, students are going to walk between 1 and 4 miles and raise money in the process.  We also recognize that with a traditional food fundraiser, a portion of the proceeds goes to the company. If thinking about health isn’t enough, Sibley’s “Stroll-For-A-Goal” will guarantee that 100% of the proceeds goes exactly where we all want it anyway, the school. There is a long list of activities and items that our PTO works hard to continue to provide and their efforts, your efforts as parents, should be applauded.
As we get closer to our celebratory kick-off event on October 12th, and ONLY planned fundraiser for the year, we hope that you will help us in making it a successful endeavor. Our goal is 15,000 and we hope you will support our students as they seek pledges for our walk.  Thank you.     

Homecoming Week 2012

Dear Sibley Families,
As you are aware, this week is Homecoming week for our Albert Lea Tigers. In addition to the fun dress up days that have been organized, we are also using this week as an opportunity to review with our students the importance of good sportsmanship, something often overlooked in the world of competitive sport and school activities. The following are points that we are reviewing and hope you can help reinforce them at home with your child.
  • Follow the Rules
  • Obey the Officials
  • Treat Opponents Respectfully
  • Win With Grace
  • Lose With Grace
I would also request that you attend Friday’s game, and all high school athletic events, with your children. There have been far too many instances of students attending games unsupervised. Having previously been our district’s Athletic Director for 7 years, I recollect far too many occasions that young children were left waiting for rides after a game, or something happened to them during the event. Please attend with them or send with a responsible adult. It really is a great opportunity to involve them in wonderful school activities and be a motivator for many to someday represent their school and community in an Albert Lea uniform.
On Friday, please do not send or allow your child to come to school with face paint or colored hairspray. It is Cherry and Blue day, so we are encouraging all students to wear something representative of our team’s colors. Paint, colored hair spray, and glitter are items we are asking that you help your child with at home after school and prior to the game. Again, this is something I’d ask parents to supervise and help us with.
Finally, Friday is also our picture day, so all the more reason to keep any “excessive” items in celebration for Homecoming at home.
Thanks for your continued support and understanding. GO TIGERS!

Curious about our dress up days? They are:
Monday - Favorite Sports Team Day
Tuesday - Super Hero Day
Wednesday - Pajama Day
Friday - Cherry and Blue Day

Special Education Advisory Council

The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is a group of parents and professionals working together toward making special education in District 241 the best that it can be. We need input from parents of students of all ages and disabilities. Local SEAC’s advise school districts on the development of programs and services to meet the special education needs of students and their families.
One of our SEAC goals has always been to help parents in our district become more informed and involved in their children’s education. We have materials to help.
BINDERS: For those students and families initially determined as eligible for special education  services—these binders include IEP information, a glossary and other resources
TRANSITION GUIDES: “From Here to Next Year”, a guide to be given to families in the year before a student transitions to kindergarten, grade 6 and grade 8.
The District 241 Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) will be meeting:
  • Monday September 24, 2012
  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Monday, January 28, 2013
  • Monday, March 25, 2013
  • Monday, May 20, 2013
All meetings are held from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Brookside Education Center. Please come and join us at one or all of these meetings. We welcome new members at every meeting and hope that you will join us.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact:

Becky Rognes- PARENT at 507-373-1729 FREE 507-373-1729 or bll@wctatel.net OR
Karen Erickson- SPECIAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR at 507-379-4825 FREE 507-379-4825 or khmielewski@albertlea.k12.mn.us

Friday, September 7, 2012

School Hours and Supervision

As your principal, I wanted to make sure we were all reminded of a few logistical needs with regards to morning supervision. Each day we welcome our students to school between 7:30am-8:10am. During this time, students may have breakfast and/or play outdoors. Our supervisors are on duty shortly after 7:30am. We ask that students do not arrive before 7:30am, since there is no supervision. The first bell rings at 8:10am, at which time students enter the building. The second bell rings at 8:20am, at which time teachers begin classes. Please do not send your students to their classroom until 8:10am. If you are dropping off on the west side of the school by the main doors, students may be directed to their playground. It is for this reason that parents are encouraged to drop off on Front Street.
On Wednesdays, our schedule does allow for more outdoor play time. The first bell rings at 8:20am, with the second bell at 8:30am. Again, supervisors are on duty on the playground at approximately 7:30am, until the first bell rings. Buses will run on the same schedule and parents do not need to alter their transportation plans in any way.

The change on Wednesdays is due to Professional Learning Community Team meetings which teachers attend from 7:30am-8:15am.

3rd Graders Receive FREE YMCA memberships

Today, Dennis Diesser from The Albert Lea Family YMCA visited our 3rd grade classrooms to remind them of the free memberships they are all given as a result of generous contributions by Alliant Energy Foundation, Alliance Pipeline, and the Hubbard Foundation.  Yes, there is NO charge to third graders! How cool is that?  With a Y membership, students are able to participate in all the youth sports at member prices as well as classes and open gym and swim time. 
Stop at the Family Y to fill out a membership card in order to register your 3rd grader for the year!  If you have other questions, please give them a call at 373-8228.